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Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis

Diabetic retinopathy diagnosis is excellent because there is a national screen programme for anyone over the age of 12 years old who has diabetes. If diabetic retinopathy is detected in the very early stages it can be treated very effectively with laser surgery so it is vital for anyone with diabetes to attend these appointments if they want to prevent the possibility of losing their sight permanently.Throughout the UK now all diabetics should be receiving an annual check with a photographic record of the status of their eyes.
It is important that you check with your GP to see if you are enrolled on the local diabetic retinopathy screening programme.You will then get a letter from your GP inviting you to attend an appointment for the screening procedure.
Diabetic Retinopathy Screening
When you attend your diabetic retinopathy screening appointment you will have eye drops put into your eyes to dilate the pupils, photographs will then be take of the retina. The eye drops can leave you with blurred vision so you will not be able to drive back from the appointment. The blurring is however temporary and your sight will go back to normal once the effects of the eye drops have worn off.
The results of the screening are examined and you may be called back for one of several reasons including:
- You need to be checked for retinopathy more often than once per year.
- You need immediate treatment for retinopathy.
- Other eye conditions such as cataracts have been detected.