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Diabetic Retinopathy Symptoms

Unfortunately you may not experience any diabetic retinopathy symptoms until the condition has reached the advanced stages. This is why it is so important to have the regular checks on your eyes if you have diabetes and why you should be regularly screened for the condition. In the UK anyone with diabetes is entitled to annual screening for the condition. If left untreated diabetic retinopathy can lead to a very sudden complete loss of eyesight.
The condition is one of the most common causes of blindness in the UK, generally affecting people who are aged between 30 and 65. At any given time it is thought that something close to 10% of people who have diabetes will be diagnosed with retinopathy that requires medical treatment.
Just because you have diabetes does not necessarily mean that you are certain to develop diabetic retinopathy, it is just that the diabetes predisposes a person to the condition. Good control of your diabetes from the very beginning of your diagnosis could help in slowing down the progression of this and other eye conditions although it will not reverse any existing diabetic retinopathy.
Some of the symptoms you may notice include:
- Blurred vision.
- Experiencing streaks and patches and spots/floaters in your vision field.
- Sudden loss of your vision.
It is important not to panic as these symptoms may be the sign of some other eye condition however it is vital that anyone with diabetes keeps up to date with their tests and screening for eye health.