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Diabetic Retinopathy Treatments

The diabetic retinopathy treatments available to you will depend on what stage the condition has developed to. In the very early stages or if you have mild diabetic retinopathy you may simply be advised to maintain good diabetic control and avoid any of the known risk factors.
Low vision aids such as magnifying devices can help people in the early stages of diabetic retinopathy to manage their everyday life and aid them in continuing to read newspapers and see road signs.
Three of the main treatments for diabetic retinopathy are:
1 . Controlling risk factors.
The best way to prevent further vision loss from diabetic retinopathy and maculopathy is good control of the underlying disease. Particular attention is required to the risk factors discussed. If the diabetic retinopathy has not reached an advanced stage excellent blood sugar control can prevent the condition from further development.
2 . Laser Treatment.
If retinopathy has caused new blood vessel formation laser treatment is required to prevent these from progressively bleeding and the treatment can help them to regress. Diabetic maculopathy can also be treated with laser. Laser usually does not significantly improve but can stabilise vison.
3 . Eye Injections. .
The latest treatments for diabetic maculopathy are more effective than laser and in many cases can not only stabilise but may also give you some visual improvement.Eye injections can be administered as a short painless procedure and have great potential benefit. Depending on your situation your eye may benefit from injections of Lucentis. Lucentis is now licensed for treatment of diabetic macular oedema. Other injections in use which Mr Mahmood can discuss with you include Avastin and steroid.