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Cataract Symptoms Develop Gradually

Cataract symptoms usually develop at a slow rate, over a period of years, and you may not notice any remarkable changes to your sight in the early stages. In mild cases you may have a cataract that is only visible when your optician or an eye specialist examines you. At this stage it may only cause small changes to your glasses prescription and your optician can easily take care of this for you.At one time the concept used to exist that the cataract needed to ripen before cataract surgery was performed. With modern technology this is no longer the case. If the cataract is
causing troublesome symptoms then treatments can be considered at any stage.The cataract symptoms can be similar to other eye problems so it is important to get any changes to your vision checked out by your GP or an optician. If you are worried contact Mr Mahmood to arrange an initial eye consultation.
The list below shows some of the most common symptoms. If you are developing this condition you may experience one or more of the following:
- Vision generally appearing more “misty” with a reduction of colour.
- Glare from lights e.g. car headlights when driving or when outside in sunlight.
- Difficulty reading smaller print.
- Difficulty seeing into the distance and driving.
- Seeing ‘spots’ and wrongly assuming your glasses have scratches or dirt on the lenses.
- Seeing everything tinged with a yellow tone.
- Experiencing double vision.
If left untreated cataracts can worsen and may eventually lead to severe sight impairment and even blindness. Fortunately, cataract operations are widely performed and can help to restore your sight to almost the same level it was before the onset of the problem.