0161 4083456
Macular Degeneration Diagnosis β Ophthalmologist Referral

A macular degeneration diagnosis will be given once you have seen your regular GP or Optometrist who, if suspecting macular degeneration, will refer you to an Ophthalmologist (a Consultant who specialises in eye problems and diseases) for an appointment.Your initial appointment will usually be at the eye department of your nearest hospital, however if you experience a sudden loss to your vision you should visit your GP or the nearest Accident and Emergency department urgently.
During this examination the Ophthalmologist will perform some routine eye checks and you will need to have eye drops put into your eyes to dilate the pupils. The eye drops take about 20 minutes to start working and they can make your vision hazy and sensitive to light. The effects of the eye drops generally wear off after a few hours.
For this appointment it is better if someone else can drive you to the hospital, as it is unlikely that you will be able to drive back because of the eye drops you will be given as part of the diagnostic procedure. It may be helpful to have someone else with you in any case as you may need some help getting around due to the blurring of your vision caused by the eye drops.
The Ophthalmologist will take a look at the back area of your eyes with a magnifying device, as this is where the retina and macula are located. Any abnormalities in this area will be noted and a series of further tests will be done to confirm a macular degneration diagnosis.
Tests required to confirm a diagnosis of macular degneration include OCT scanning and Fluorescein Angiography.
With the right kind of support and advice many people with macular degeneration (AMD )continue to enjoy a good quality of life, retain their independence and continue to pursue their activities and interests.